Curriculum Vitae


8. Fernandez-Duque, F., E. Miller, M. Fernandez-Duque, J. Falk, S. Rabinowicz, D. Becker, and M. E. Hauber (in press at Ethology). Phenotype explains interspecific dominance hierarchies in a cloud forest hummingbird guild (ms available upon request).

7. Lawson S.L., J. Enos, F. Fernandez-Duque, S. Kleindorfer, S. Gill, and M. E. Hauber (in press). Absence of Referential Alarm Calls in Long-term Allopatry from the Referent: A Case Study with Galapagos Yellow Warblers. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 77 (99).

6. Fernandez-Duque, F., E. Y. Huerta, S.L. Lawson, S. Chikoti, and M. E. Hauber (2023). Nest Integration: A Novel Form of Food Acquisition by Altricial Fledglings. Evolutionary Ecology 37 (5).

5. Hendrix, T., F. Fernandez-Duque, S. Toner, L. G. Hitt, R. Thady, M. Massa, S. Hagler, M. Armfield, N. Clarke, P. Honscheid, S. Khalil, C. E. Hawkins, S. M. Lantz, J. F. Welklin, J. P. Swaddle, M. S. Webster, J. Karubian (2023). Behavioural Differences Between Ornamented and Unornamented Male Red-backed Fairywrens (Malurus melanocephalus) in the Nonbreeding Season. Emu – Austral Ornithology 123 (1).

4. Dzielski, S., R. Bailey, F. Fernandez-Duque, and D. Bonter (2021). Supplemental feeding of insect larvae increases mass of nestling Eastern Bluebirds, but not nestling Black-capped Chickadees. Journal of Field Ornithology 92 (3).

3. Fernandez-Duque, F., R. Bailey, and D. Bonter (2019). Egg oiling as an effective management technique for limiting reproduction in an invasive passerine. Avian Conservation and Ecology 14 (2).

2. Gulson-Castillo, E.R., R. A. Dreelin, R. Wallace, F. Fernandez-Duque, L. K. Smith, and D. W. Winkler (2017). Breeding biology during the nestling period at a Black-crowned Pitta Erythropitta ussheri nest. British Ornithologists’ Club 137 (3).

1. Fernandez-Duque, F., M. Huck, V. Dávalos and E. Fernandez-Duque (2013). Estudio preliminar sobre la ecología, el comportamiento y la demografía del muitú (Crax fasciolata) en la selva en galería del Riacho Pilagá, Formosa, Argentina. El Hornero 28 (2).

Awards, Grants & Fellowships


  • NSF-EDGE Workshop Travel Grant ($1,300)

  • Harley J. Van Cleave Research Award ($1,000)

  • PEEC Conference Travel Award ($700)

  • PEEC Summer Research Award ($2,000)

  • Graduate College Dissertation Travel Grant ($1,446)

  • NSF – Graduate Research Fellowships Program (Honorable Mention, 2022)


  • NSF – Graduate Research Fellowships Program (Honorable Mention, 2021)

  • Illinois Distinguished Fellowship – University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign ($75,000)


  • Alexander Wilson Award at the North American Ornithological Conference VII ($500)

  • American Ornithological Society Gratis Membership (in lieu of Travel Award)   


  • Early Professional Award at the Ornithological Congress of the Americas

  • Ornithological Congress of the Americas Travel Award ($1,100)                           

  • Redheads Funding for Undergraduate Research ($3,262)

2015 and earlier:

  • Rowley Fund for Undergraduate Research Scholarship ($3,000)

  • Sandy Drayer Environmental Scholarship – Lower Merion Township ($600)

Presentations at Scientific Conferences

*Award-winning presentations

Fernandez-Duque, F., S.L. Lawson, J. Enos, S. Kleindorfer, S. Gill, and M. E. Hauber. Lack of Anti-Parasitic Referential Alarm Calls in a Galapagos Yellow Warbler Population Allopatric from Obligate Brood Parasites. Animal Behavior Society Conference, San Juan, Costa Rica, 19-24 July 2022.

Fernandez-Duque, F., S.L. Lawson, J. Enos, S. Kleindorfer, S. Gill, and M. E. Hauber. Lack of Anti-Parasitic Referential Alarm Calls in a Galapagos Yellow Warbler Population Allopatric from Obligate Brood Parasites. Animal Behavior Conference, Bloomington, Indiana, 25-26 March 2022.

Fernandez-Duque, F., S. Rabinowicz, E. Miller, J. Falk, G. Venable, M. Fernandez-Duque, D. Becker, and M. E. Hauber. Interspecific Dominance Hierarchies in a Cloud Forest Hummingbird Guild. Animal Behavior Society Conference, Virtual, 03-06 August 2021.

Fernandez-Duque, F. Neural Mechanisms of Parental Care in a Heterogeneous Avian Genus (Passerina). Max Planck-Yale Mini-Conference, Virtual, 14 April 2021.

*Fernandez-Duque, F., S. Dzielski, R. Bailey, and D. Bonter. Does Getting the Worm Help the Breeding Bird? Supplemental Feeding Affects Nestling Growth in some Taxa but not Others. North American Ornithological Conference VII, Virtual, 10-15 August 2020, Published Abstract 410104, p. 47. Won the Alexander Wilson Award, from the Wilson Ornithological Society, for best student presentation.

*Fernandez-Duque, F., T. Hendrix, J. Karubian, J.P. Swaddle, M.S. Webster (2017). Plumage Ornamentation as a Potential Driver of Behavioral Differences in a Dichromatic Passerine. Ornithological Congress of the Americas, Puerto Iguazú, Argentina, 8-11 August 2017, Published Abstract 10278, p. 134. Won an Early Professional Award from the Association of Field Ornithologists.

Toner S., T. Hendrix, S. Lantz, J. Welkin, F. Fernandez-Duque, J. Swaddle, J. Karubian, and M. Webster. Ornamental Plumage in the Nonbreeding Season is Associated with Behavior Change in Tropical Passerine. American Ornithological Society & Society of Canadian Ornithologists, East Lansing, Michigan, 31 July-5 August 2017.

Fernandez-Duque, F., and D. Bonter. The Effects of Ectoparasite Abundance on the Breeding Ecology of Barn Swallows (Hirundo rustica). Cornell Undergraduate Research Board, 32nd Annual Spring Research Forum, Ithaca, New York, 27 April 2017.

*Toner S., T. Hendrix, S. Lantz, J. Welkin, F. Fernandez-Duque, J. Swaddle, J. Karubian, and M. Webster. Ornamental Plumage in the Nonbreeding Season is Associated with Behavior Change in Tropical Passerine. Cornell Undergraduate Research Board, 32nd Annual Spring Research Forum, Ithaca, New York, 27 April 2017. Won First Place for the Overall Student Presentations.

*Toner S., T. Hendrix, S. Lantz, J. Welkin, F. Fernandez-Duque, J. Swaddle, J. Karubian, and M. Webster. Ornamental Plumage in the Nonbreeding Season is Associated with Behavior Change in Tropical Passerine. Wilson Ornithological Conference, Fort Myers, Florida, 9-12 March 2017. Won the Nancy Klamm Best Undergraduate Student Poster Award.

Science Communication

Frontiers in Social Evolution Seminar – Website Coordinator (2020-Present).

Fernandez-Duque, F. (2020). A Slick Solution to House Sparrows in Nestboxes. Bluebird 42 (2): 6-8.

Fernandez-Duque, F. (2019). A Slick Solution to House Sparrows in Nest Boxes. NestWatch Digest 16 (1): 16-18.

Sayers, C., F. Fernandez-Duque, R. Mady, S. Toner (2019). A Day in the Life of a Field Researcher. All About Birds.

Fernandez-Duque, F. (2015). One peanut can go a long way for a Carolina Wren. Project FeederWatch.

Fernandez-Duque, F., N. Bartolotta, and D. Bonter (2014).  Planet of the Gulls: Blog.

Teaching and Mentorship

Independent Research Mentor (3) – University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (2022-Present)

STEAM TRAIN Program Mentor – University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (2021-2022)

Genetics Research Mentor for Undergraduates (4) – Yale University (2019-2020)

Teaching Assistant for Dr. D. Bonter – Cornell University (2018)

Teaching Assistant for Dr. D. Bonter – Cornell University (2016)

Skills and Interests



Johns Hopkins Data Science Specialization (R Programming, Getting and Cleaning Data, and Exploratory Data Analysis), Lifeguard Certified, Bloodborne Pathogens Training Certified, CPR Certified, Wilderness First Aid Certified, and Federal Bird Banding Subpermitee (23245-V).

Quantitative Skills

Coding in R (including cleaning data and exploratory data analysis), GitHub, Mendeley, Avizo, OsiriX, Sequencher.

Fieldwork Skills

Capturing and extracting birds, banding and tagging birds (aluminum bands, color bands, PIT tags, proximity loggers, geolocators, and field readable markers), collecting samples (timed hormone bleeding, RNA samples, feathers, parasites, tissue, and preen oil), establishing RFID systems, camera experience (camera traps, GoPros, Canon EOS 5D, and Canon EOS 7D), audio recording (PMD 661 & Autonomous Recording Devices).

Laboratory Skills

DNA extractions, RNA extractions, PCRs, genotyping (microsats, GeneMarker and CERVUS), ELISAs.


Fully bilingual (Spanish-English), Proficient in French, Basic Portuguese, Basic Italian.


Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Ecuador, France, Honduras, Italy, Kenya, Mexico, Monaco, Namibia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Paraguay, South Africa, Spain, United States. Currently live in the U.S. but grew up in Argentina.

Cooking, Soccer, Hiking, Camping, Travel, Chess, Gardening, Salsa, Triathlons, Reading, Writing, Yoga
